all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 3AA 0 54.97138 -2.1173
NE46 3AB 0 54.97192 -2.116848
NE46 3AD 0 54.972297 -2.117224
NE46 3AE 0 54.973158 -2.118867
NE46 3AF 0 54.971557 -2.119628
NE46 3AG 0 54.972222 -2.119864
NE46 3AH 0 54.974172 -2.119636
NE46 3AJ 0 54.974479 -2.118574
NE46 3AL 0 54.975082 -2.118029
NE46 3AN 0 54.975024 -2.119038
NE46 3AP 0 54.975096 -2.121404
NE46 3AQ 0 54.973379 -2.119767
NE46 3AR 0 54.973935 -2.123103
NE46 3AS 0 54.975317 -2.125451
NE46 3AT 0 54.973414 -2.123226
NE46 3AU 0 54.973055 -2.122569
NE46 3AW 0 54.974504 -2.120761
NE46 3AX 0 54.971789 -2.122222
NE46 3AY 0 54.972068 -2.12102
NE46 3AZ 0 54.973695 -2.120899